Yeroc Luxury Car Rental/ Corey Davis Policy Agreement 

-Must provide a valid driver’s license. 

-Must be twenty-one years of age or older. 

-Must provide proof of full coverage comprehensive and collision insurance property damage. 

-Your insurer or yourself must email the certificate of insurance showing your limits to or by telephone number that will be provided to you before vehicle pick up.

- You are responsible for potential rental citations which include tolls, towing and parking tickets during the duration of your rental period.

- You are responsible for all physical and mechanical damages to rental vehicle while in possession including third party claims.

- Must pay a REFUNDABLE security deposit of $300, $500, or $1000 at vehicle pick up. Price will vary depending on which vehicle you are renting.

- Payments such as Cash, Credit card, Cash App, or Zelle are acceptable.

- By signing you agree to abide by Texas driving laws and not race, speed or do “burn outs” in vehicles.


- Renter will receive an unlimited mileage cap. - If renter decides to travel outside of Dallas 1 hour and 30 minutes or more, there will be an upcharge flat rate fee depending on destination of travel and must be approved.

- Out of state travel is NOT allowed under any circumstances.

- ONLY the customer signing below is permitted to drive the rental vehicle.

- The rental vehicle may NOT be driven outside of Dallas areas WITHOUT written authorization. If the vehicle is driven outside the allowed radius a larger deposit will need to be paid.

Customer/ Renter Signature: _________________ Date: _______________


- Must be returned within a specific rental period unless extension granted by email or text.

- Failure to return the rental vehicle by due date will result in additional charges and possible criminal charges if an extension is not authorized.

- If you fail to return the rental vehicle at the date and time that was told to you, you will be admitting to stealing the vehicle with foul intent. A stolen vehicle report will be filed immediately.

- No Refunds on any payment made to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Cars Rental.

- Return fuel level must be replenished to the same level as time of rental pickup, or a $100 fee will be applied.

- Cleaning fee of $50 if vehicle returned not clean


- Vehicle should be returned in clean condition and full tank of gas.

- NO pets allowed in the vehicle.

- NO smoking allowed in the vehicle.

- No Refunds after payment


Personal Information:

- Name of Renter:

- Phone Number:

- Email:

- Emergency Contact:

- Address:

- License No.

Vehicle Rental Information:

- Vehicle:

- VIN: - -

- License Plate:

- Insurance Type:

Insurance Policy Number:

- Drop Off Date:

- Return Date:

- Total Payment:

- Refundable Deposit:

Customer/ Renter Signature: __________________ Date: ______________


You have provided Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental with your insurance and understand any damage or theft caused to the vehicle while being rented will be filed as a claim on your policy. Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental does not provide insurance to renters, and it is your sole responsibility to have your own full coverage insurance with the required limits. You agree to drive safe and not violate any laws of The State of Texas. However, if any accident were to occur, then you agree to report any damage or accidents Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental IMMEDIATELY. You inspected the car and acknowledged the condition of the car as noted or in the pictures or video we recorded. You are free to take your own pictures if you would like. You agree to be personally responsible for any damages not paid by your insurer regardless of fault from all damages or claims that may result from this rental. You understand that any money owed for damages can result in legal action if not paid in full. You are responsible for returning the vehicle in the same condition it was given to you and agree to be charged for any damages that may occur in your possession including mechanical failure regardless of cause. Customer is also responsible for any rock chips to the front of the car including the windshield. If the Customer is ever involved in a collision or damage is sustained to the vehicle, the customer must notify Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental within 1 hour of the incident no matter how minor, regardless of whether there is any damage to the vehicle, regardless of whether anyone is injured, and regardless of fault. That notification shall include the date, time, and location of the collision or accident and identifying information for all persons and vehicles involved including insurance information for all persons and vehicles involved. The customer shall immediately provide Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental with any other information or documents requested by relating to the collision or accident. Customer shall fully and completely cooperate with Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental in investigating the collision or accident, obtaining any benefits available under any insurance policy, protecting Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental legal rights, and repairing the vehicle in accordance with this Agreement. If any lawsuits arise from any accidents related to this rental, then you assume all responsibility and agree to hold Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental harmless to any liability from you and any potential third party regardless of fault. You also agree to be liable for any loss of usage if the vehicle is damaged in any way mechanically or cosmetically at the current rate of rental from the time of loss until all payments for repairs have been dispersed in full and all related repairs are completed. This includes damage to any wheels or flat tires that are caused by yourself. Standard wheel repair is two days of loss of usage. Wheel replacement would be the day of damage until the day the replacement wheel is delivered and installed. Tire repair or replacement is one day loss of usage if the tire is in stock or if ordered would be the day of damage until the day the replacement tire is delivered and installed. Any deposit money will be held until all repairs and loss of usage are paid in full or the deposit will be applied to the debt. The customer agrees to allow to file a claim for all loss of profit and usage on their current auto, business, or any other insurance policy they own for any potential damages, claims or money owed on this contract. Customer agrees to NOT track race the car or agrees to pay a $1000 fee due to the stress and unseen damage that would be caused to the vehicle.

Customer Signature: ____________________ Date: __________________

- Customer agrees to not race or speed over 90 MPH in the vehicle. High speed causes high risk of accidents and increases wear and tear on the vehicle and therefore can't be allowed. - Customer agrees to forfeit their deposit if any violations of Rental Agreement or Rental Policy occur.

- Customer must always maintain possession and control of the vehicle until the vehicle is returned to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental possession. It is the customer's responsibility to always know the exact location of the vehicle. Customer may not permit any person to drive the vehicle other than the renters listed on this contract with verified insurance.

- If customer fails to timely deliver the vehicle to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental as required by this paragraph, Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental (Owner) is authorized to report the vehicle as stolen to any law enforcement authorities or any other person. The customer understands it is a possible felony to not return a rented vehicle at the agreed time. If the customer does not voluntarily give Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental (Owner) possession of the vehicle once the agreed rental time is up, then loss of usage fees will continue to accumulate at the same rate that was agreed in the rental invoice per day until the car is returned.

- The customer agrees to not write untrue reviews against Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental if any disputes arise. Customer shall not disclose any confidential information relating to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental business with anyone else without prior express written consent from Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental. Customer shall refrain from making any disparaging false statements relating to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental, or the vehicle to any person or online media platform. The obligations in this paragraph survive and continue after the expiration of the Term and after termination of this Agreement. The parties stipulate and agree that a breach of the provision of this paragraph would cause damages to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental

- Accordingly, the involved parties agree that, If the NDA is violated, then Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental (Owner) will also be entitled to a defamation cost of two thousand dollars for each day the NDA is violated as any false negative reviews will impact the financial profits of Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental business significantly.

Customer Signature: ___________________ Date: ________________

6. All claims and disputes relating directly or indirectly to this agreement, or the Vehicle shall be resolved exclusively through binding arbitration and waiving the ability to file suit in court, except as otherwise stated in this Agreement. "Claims" has the broadest possible meaning, and included but is not limited to any and all disputes, claims or controversies, in law or in equity, between the parties related in any way to the vehicle and arising out of or relating in any way to: (a) the condition, warranty, workmanship, servicing, maintenance, mechanical upgrades or repair, (b) the application for and the terms of and enforceability of the lease or renting of the vehicle including any deposit arrangement regarding the vehicle, (c) any claims of breach of contract, misrepresentation, conversation, fraud, or unfair and deceptive trade practices, (e) any claim relating to the advertising or marketing of either the Vehicle; or (f) any claim of a violation of any local, state or federal statute, regulation, ordinance, rule, etc. Either Party may initiate an arbitration proceeding by sending a written demand to the other Party, as specified for notices in this Agreement, setting forth the nature of the demand and the relief requested. All arbitration proceedings shall be before a single arbitrator. Within ninety days after a demand for arbitration is made by either Party, Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental shall propose an arbitrator in writing. Within ten days after Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental proposes an arbitrator ("Arbitrator Objection Period"), Customer may object to the proposed arbitrator by delivering to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental a written objection to the proposed arbitrator, in the manner provided in this Agreement for notices, including the reason for the objection and the name of an alternate arbitrator who resides in Collin County, Texas or a county contiguous to Collin County who is acceptable to Customer. If Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental does not actually receive a written objection from Customer that strictly complies ith the foregoing requirements within the Arbitrator Objection Period, then the arbitrator proposed by Jamel Capital/ Quincy Burton shall be deemed appointed as the arbitrator, and the selection of the arbitrator shall be final. If Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental receives a written objection from Customer that strictly complies with the foregoing requirements within the Arbitrator Objection Period, the Parties shall make a good-faith effort to agree on an arbitrator. If the Parties cannot or do not agree, either Party may petition a state District Court in Collin County, Texas for the sole purpose of appointing an arbitrator in accordance with Chapter 171 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code and other applicable Texas law. Any arbitrator appointed by any District Court must reside in Collin County, Texas or a contiguous county (b) All costs of arbitration, including the arbitrator's fees, shall be paid by the party commencing the arbitration. The arbitrator is not authorized to require the party not commencing the arbitration to pay any such costs. (c) The arbitration shall not be administered by, or subject to the rules of, any arbitration organization. The following rules shall apply to the arbitration: (a) the arbitration shall be conducted in Collin County, Texas; (b) discovery shall be strictly limited to the

Customer Signature ___________________________________

transaction covered by this Agreement and the Vehicle subject to this Agreement; (c) written discovery shall be limited to ten interrogatories, fifteen requests for production, and twenty requests for admission; (d) each party may take no more than two depositions which shall last no more than two hours each on the record, and all depositions shall take place in Collin County, Texas; (e) any arbitration hearing shall be limited to no more than six hours total, with three hours per side; (f) other than privileges recognized by the Texas Rules of Civil Procedure or the Texas Rules of Evidence, no rules of evidence will apply; and (g) the party commencing the arbitration shall be responsible for all arbitration costs and arbitrator's fees. The arbitrator shall not have authority to change any of the foregoing rules or violate any other provisions of this Agreement relating to arbitration, but otherwise the arbitrator may adopt such rules of procedure as the arbitrator deems appropriate. (d) No disputes or claims between Customer and Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental shall be determined in any class action or other combined proceeding. All disputes and claims between Customer and Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental shall be determined in an arbitration proceeding separate from any disputes or claims between Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental and any other person(s). The Parties waive all rights to have any dispute or claim between them resolved as part of any class action or consolidated proceeding and agree to opt out of any such proceeding. • (e) Any dispute regarding whether a particular claim or matter is subject to arbitration shall be resolved exclusively by the arbitrator, and the arbitrator is delegated the authority to determine all issues of arbitrability. (f) All notices, documents, and communications relating to an arbitration proceeding may be served on Customer in the same manner as provided for notices in this Agreement and will be conclusively deemed received in the same manner as provided for notices in this Agreement. The arbitrator shall have the authority to award fees, costs, injunctive or equitable relief in accordance with the agreement and applicable law. If any term of this Agreement conflicts with the terms of any other document or Agreement between the Parties or rules of the Arbitration Organization, the terms of this Agreement shall prevail. If any part of this Agreement other than the class action waiver shall be deemed or found unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of the Agreement shall remain enforceable. If the class action waiver shall be deemed or found unenforceable for any reason, the remainder of the Agreement shall be enforceable. Customer and Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental agree that the mutual promises in this Agreement constitute a consideration necessary to make this Agreement enforceable even if we do not enter into any further Agreements concerning the vehicle

Customer Signature _________________________________

A party may commence or prosecute a court proceeding only for one of the following purposes: (a) to compel or stay an arbitration proceeding pursuant to Chapter 171 of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code; (b) to obtain discovery or other relief in support of an arbitration proceeding, or to obtain any relief provided by Chapter 171, Subchapter D of the Texas Civil Practice and Remedies Code; (c) to confirm or obtain judgment on an arbitration award; (d) to collect on a judgment entered pursuant to an arbitration award; (e) to obtain injunctive relief to protect Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental interest in the Vehicle, or to secure possession of the Vehicle by Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental. Except as provided below in this paragraph, any court proceeding arising out of or relating to this Agreement, the Vehicle, or any arbitration proceeding ("Related Proceeding") must be brought exclusively in the state district courts of Collin County, Texas. All Parties submit and consent to the jurisdiction of the state district courts of Collin County, Texas for any Related Proceeding. All Parties waive any right to a jury trial in a Related Proceeding and consent to trial before the court. All Parties waive any right to remove any court proceeding in the state district courts of Collib County, Texas to federal court. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental may bring a legal proceeding in any state or venue, if necessary, to enforce or collect on a judgment against Customer, or to obtain injunctive relief to protect Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental interest in the Vehicle It Customer's responsibility to ensure that they receive all communications sent to them at the contact information provided in this Agreement, including without limitation by checking email regularly, reading text messages regularly, and receiving mail, including signing for certified mail. Customer shall immediately notify Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental in writing of any change in the Customer's contact information. Any email sent to Customer at the email address specified above (or any subsequent email address provided by Customer shall be deemed received by Customer the day it is sent. Any US Mail sent to Customer's home address above (or any subsequent home address provided by Customer) will be deemed received by Customer within three business days after it is mailed. Any text message sent to Customer's phone number specified above (or any subsequent phone number specified by Customer) will be deemed received by Customer on the day it is sent. Any other communication sent to Customer at the home address above (or any subsequent home address provided by Customer) will be deemed received by Customer on the date of delivery to that address. Customer may not avoid any obligation or liability under this Agreement on the basis of any claim that communications or notices sent to Customer at the address(es) set forth above were not timely received by Customer. All notices to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental must be made in writing and sent or in such other manner as Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental may direct.Notices to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental not sent in strict compliance with this paragraph do not constitute notice to Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental. Customer shall reimburse Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental for all legal fees and expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees, costs of court, and expert fees, incurred in any legal proceeding or arbitration relating to this Agreement or the Vehicle. If a Party fails to arbitrate as required under this agreement, the defending party will also be entitled to recover

Customer Signature ____________________________

their attorney's fees and costs incurred in compelling the other Party to arbitrate the claim. Customer shall also reimburse Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental for all legal fees and expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees, costs of court, and expert fees incurred Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental in enforcing this Agreement or collecting any amounts due from Customer. Customer shall reimburse Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental within fifteen (15) days of Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental incurring any such legal fees and expenses, including without limitation attorneys' fees, costs of court, and expert fees. This Agreement shall be governed exclusively by the laws of the State of Texas without regard to conflicts of law principles. Each Party entered into this Agreement based solely on the written terms of this Agreement that Party's own evaluation and assessment, and not based upon any statements, promises, representations, or warranties which are not expressly set forth in writing in this Agreement. None of the Parties relied upon any statements, promises, representations, or warranties which are not expressly set forth in writing in this Agreement. All Parties hereby disclaim reliance, and waive any claim of reliance, on any statements, promises, representations, and warranties except for those statements, promises, representations, statements, and warranties expressly set forth in writing in this Agreement. This Agreement may be executed in multiple counterparts, each of which shall be considered an original but all of which together constitute one and the same instrument. An electronic signature shall be as effective as an original signature. This Agreement may not be amended except through a written amendment signed by all Parties. None of the rights or obligations under this Agreement may be waived except through an express written waiver signed by the Party or Parties waiving the rights or obligations. Without limiting the foregoing, the failure of a Party to enforce or demand compliance with any term of this Agreement, for any length of time, shall not constitute a waiver of any rights or obligations under this Agreement. This Agreement has been freely negotiated between the Parties and shall not be construed against any Party on the ground that it was drafted by that Party. The doctrine of contra proferentem shall not apply to this Agreement. This written Agreement is an extension to the Rental Policy and together conclude the entire agreement of the Parties, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements, understandings, or negotiations among the Parties whether oral or written. Any prior rental contracts, except the Rental Invoice or Rental Policy related to this rental term, or other potential related contracts are deemed concluded and final with the execution of this contract. Violate any terms and conditions we reserve the right to cease your rental and not refund your deposit! This contract is effective once this agreements: signed and executed below.

Customer Signature ___________________________________

Corey Davis/ Yeroc Luxury Car Rental

Rental Vehicle Condition:

Condition Out: The car has no mechanical issues, no cosmetic damage, no scratches on undercarriage and no damage to the interior unless noted in customer's video at the time of pickup. Pictures or video taken at a later time are omitted and don't reflect the condition in this report.

Customer Signature___________________________ Date _________________